Optimum Academy
Case clinics
Optimum Re takes pride in our Underwriter’s expertise when reviewing cases. Below are Case Clinics where our underwriters talk through cases that could have multiple solutions.
Case Notes - CAD
Jill Thompson, Richard Camire
Case Notes - CACS
Kevin Cheng, Lisa Burger
Farm Valuation
Kevin Cheng, Lisa Burger
Business Financials
Lisa Burger, Richard Camire
Sleep Apnea
Richard Camire, Kevin Cheng, Jill Thompson
History of Prostate Cancer
Dave Barrett, Richard Camire, Anastasia Jaegerman
Dave Barrett, Anastasia Jaegerman, Jill Thompson
History of Heart Disease with a High Amount
Dave Barrett
History of Drug Use
Kevin Cheng, Anastasia Jaegerman, Jill Thompson
Mild Pulmonary Hypertension
Dave Barrett, Richard Camire, Jill Thompson
Elevated A1C
Dave Barrett, Kevin Cheng, Jill Thompson